© 2011 liuyaming


Nowadays, students are struggling in a school system that emphasizes test taking, rather than understanding. If they do not understand, they often do not speak up, and the work on their own and in groups suffers, because of this poor communication. Teachers, on the other hand, are stretched thin dealing with a variety of responsibilities that require time and coordination. Yodel works to solve these problems by providing a comprehensive learning experience using collaborative communication to enhance both learning and management for students and teachers.

Objective,  Problem,  Field Research,  Persona(teacher/student),  Activities Map(teacher/student),  Task Map(teacher/student), Insights(teacher/student),  Desired Experience(teacher/student),  Basic Concept,  Interaction Model,  Information Architecture,  Idea Development,  1st Paper model,  Idea Development,  2st Paper model,  Testing,  Information Architecture,  Main Pages.

Research Methods:
Secondary Research,  Questionnaires,  Interview,  Photo Survey,  Scenarios,  Paper Prototyping,  User Test,  Collage.

Software Support:
Microsoft Office,  Adobe IllustratorCS5,  Adobe Catalyst CS5,  Adobe Flash CS5,  Adobe Indesign,  iMovie.

Field Research


Miss Kowk

7 years teaching exp.

Teacher  P.4

Miss Kowk is about to start her 7th year teaching P.4 at the local primary school and she is looking forward to the class. Recently the school has employed the use of e-Learning programs that can be accessed by students on their home computers. Mrs. Kowk does not know how useful the program is because it is mostly review and there is nothing new taught, and the content is not that similar to what is being taught in class. She was asked to oversee and grade the online content, but argued that she is already too busy and can’t spend her time grading two separate curriculum’s.


Planning classes and the syllabus are not a one person job, but rather completed by a group of teachers coordinating the schedule together.

Task-based learning is more effective for Primary School Students.

Kids have short attention spans, so work should be broken into small sections that have continues change.

Kids when working in groups usually have a team leader, it is not “everyone for themselves.”

Desired Experience

Enables me to understand the content.

Learn by doing, not by lecturing.

Allows me to choose my own path.

Lets me work the way I want to work.



10 Years Old

Student Grade 5

He is a hardworking Boy, who focuses on schoolwork and after school programs. he loves playing in the orchestra after school because it lets his spend time with friends. After orchestra he goes home to work on her homework and it usually takes her around 2-3 hours to finish. Once his homework is complete he attempts to tutor class within 2 hours, He seldom use e-learning program, even teacher assigns him a daily reading. He doesn’t like using the e-Learning program because it is extra work that doesn’t count for anything, and he knows his teacher does not even check the work.


Students are able to plan and manage their own schedules, they just are not often given the chance.

Most work in Primary School is group work.

Work is not completed or fully understood on their own; students talk to their teachers, parents, and peers to discover answers.

Students need validation, they want their work to be appreciated and can not be expected to work just for the sake of working.

Desired Experience

Offers flexibility in working with others.

Lets me review my work easily with others.

Supports my continual development.

Gives me a chance to be responsible.

Information Architecture

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